Mediterranean Inspired Pages

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Strawberry BBQ Sauce

Makes   2 cups   

   1 3/4 cups sugar
   1 1/2  cups sliced strawberries, frozen can be used if they are loose not clumped
   3 Tablespoons  of Balsamic Vinegar
   3 Tablespoons of water
   1  Tablespoons Cracked  black pepper
   1/4 cup Ketchup
   2 Tablespoons Brown Spicy Mustard


Mix, sugar, vinegar, water, and black pepper  and Strawberries in a sauce pan. Bring to boil over med. Heat, continue to cook at a  slow boil for about 45 min. or until thick,  Stir often Remove from heat. Add ketchup, mustard and  mix well.  BBQ will thicken more as it cools.

  *  Notes

This BBQ is delicious served  with grilled  or baked chicken, it does not do  well brushed on  the chicken before grilling, because of the sugar it has a tendency  to burn.

If you do any home canning, this sauce cans very well. Double the recipe  and use the water bath method. It will can about  3 pints.  When time to use  open and put in a sauce pan to heat.


  1. Strawberry barbque sauce...I had never heard of that! Looks really good! Going to have to try this one :)

  2. very creative Kim. sounds yummy
