Mediterranean Inspired Pages

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Roasted Za`atar Carrots

Preheat baking sheet in a 450  degree oven.  Quarter 1 1b. Carrots lengthwise and toss with …

¼ cup Olive oil

¾ tsp. salt

¾ tsp. pepper

Spread carrots on the  hot baking sheet and roast until browned, 18 -20 minutes. Toss with …

4 tsp. Za`atar

3 tbs. chopped Parsley

And the juice of 1 lemon 

Put  on a platter and serve

* Za`atar  is a spice blend that can be purchased at  middle eastern markets or online at


  1. This looks soooooo yummy!! I am going to try this. I love zaatar. I will let you know how my family likes it.

  2. Roasted carrots...who'd'athunkit? I've never heard of zaatar, but roasted asparagus is good. I gotta try these carrots!
